About Celebration Family Chiropractic

Celebration Family Chiropractic a MaxLiving Franchise, located near Disney World, provides chiropractic care for all your needs; from whole-family corrective and wellness care to auto accidents and more severe cases such as scoliosis. Because Dr. Tony Nalda is experienced and skilled in a wide range of treatments and therapies, we see patients locally and from all over the world with the goal of finding just the right solution to restoring health and wellbeing.
Dr. Nalda leads his family practice and specializes in scoliosis care, having completed his Intensive Care Certification from CLEAR Institute. He was one of the very first doctors to receive World Masters Certification from ISSICO, a certification that specializes in the conservative treatment and management of scoliosis. He also has a ScoliBalance® certification. Dr. Nalda also helps his patients improve their health through nutrition, detoxification, exercise, and a positive mental state.